Bolabet Company Limited Responsible Gambling and Self-Exclusion - Zimbabwe

1. Introduction

Bolabet Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Bolabet," "we," "our," or "us") is committed to promoting responsible gambling and providing a safe environment for our customers. This policy outlines our approach to responsible gambling and the measures we have put in place to support and protect our customers. This policy complies with the requirements of the The Lotteries and Gaming Act of Zimbabwe.


Bolabet pledges to make responsible gambling an integral part of our daily operations. This pledge encompasses all aspects of our business, including employee training, advertising, and support for responsible gambling awareness. This code also reaffirms our commitment to eliminating underage gambling, in compliance with the Betting Control Act.


2. Objectives

  • To promote responsible gambling practices among our customers.
  • To prevent underage gambling.
  • To provide support and resources to customers who may have gambling problems.
  • To offer an exclusion / account suspension program for customers seeking to control their gambling habits.

3. Responsible Gambling Measures

3.1 Information and Awareness

We provide clear and accessible information about responsible gambling on our website and at our betting premises.


- Information Availability: We will make available information describing responsible gambling and where to find assistance. This information will be prominently displayed on our platforms and physical locations.


- Probability Information: We will provide customers with information explaining the probabilities of winning or losing at various games, helping them make informed decisions.


- Self-Exclusion and Promotional Restrictions: We will provide opportunities for patrons to request in writing that they not receive promotional mailings and revoke their privileges for specific gaming services, such as player club/card privileges. We will make reasonable efforts to honour written requests to exclude patrons from our gaming services.


Customers can access information about the risks of gambling, signs of problem gambling, and available support services by visiting the following website:

3.2 Training and Staff Awareness

- Training Programmes: We will support educational programmes to train employees on responsible gambling. These programmes will include recognising signs of problem gambling and providing appropriate responses. Staff are trained to respond sensitively and appropriately to customers who seek help or display signs of problem gambling.


- Communication and Awareness: We will implement communication programmes to enhance employees' understanding of responsible gambling policies and procedures. This includes distributing information to new employees about responsible gambling and where to find assistance, as well as posting responsible gambling awareness signage in employee areas.


3.4 Underage Gambling Prevention

We strictly enforce the legal gambling age of 18 years. Identification checks are conducted to verify the age of our customers. Any customer found to be under the age of 18 will be denied access to our betting services.


- Prevention Measures: We will make diligent efforts to prevent underage individuals from loitering in gambling areas. Legal age requirements will be clearly communicated through signage and brochures.


- Employee Training: Employees will be trained in appropriate procedures for dealing with unattended children and underage gambling. If a child appears unsupervised or in violation of local curfew laws, security or appropriate personnel will be contacted to locate the parent or responsible adult. If efforts are unsuccessful, security will contact an appropriate third party, such as the police or youth services.

3.4 Responsible Advertising

- Advertising Standards: Our gambling advertising will:

  • Contain a responsible gambling message.
  • Reflect generally accepted contemporary standards of good taste.
  • Comply strictly with the Betting Control Board standards, avoiding false or misleading claims.

- Prohibited Advertising: Our advertising will not:

  • Contain language designed to appeal specifically to children and minors.
  • Feature individuals who are or appear to be below the legal age for gambling.
  • Contain claims that gambling guarantees social, financial, or personal success.
  • Be placed in media where most of the audience is expected to be below the legal age for gambling.
  • Suggest or promote any illegal activity.
  • Be placed in media specifically oriented to children or minors.
  • Be placed at venues where the audience is predominantly below the legal age for gambling.

3.5 Alcohol Policy

In compliance with Section 16 of the Betting Control Act, which addresses the responsible service of alcohol in gambling establishments:

- No Alcohol Service: We do not serve alcoholic beverages.


- Handling Intoxicated Patrons: We will make diligent efforts to prevent gambling by visibly intoxicated patrons. Relevant employees will be trained to handle such situations appropriately.


4. Account Suspension and Exclusion Program

4.1 Self-Exclusion Request

- Customers who wish to be excluded from our betting services can do so by sending an email to requesting exclusion from betting activities through Bolabet’s betting channels.


- Exclusion periods can range from months to years, based on the customer's preference.

4.2 Implementation of Account Suspension and Exclusion

- Upon receiving a exclusion request, Bolabet will take immediate steps to deactivate the customer's account and prevent access to our betting services.


- The self-exclusion request is confidential and will be handled with sensitivity.

4.3 Reinstatement after Self-Exclusion

- Customers who wish to resume gambling after the self-exclusion period must contact Bolabet to request reinstatement as reinstatement will not occur automatically.


- A mandatory cooling-off period of 24 hours will be applied before the account is reactivated.


- Customers will be required to undergo a responsible gambling assessment before reinstatement.


5. Support and Resources

Bolabet provides information and referrals to professional support services and counselling for customers experiencing gambling-related problems.

- Customers can contact the following support services for assistance:

6. Monitoring and Compliance

- Bolabet regularly reviews and updates its responsible gambling policies and procedures to ensure compliance with the Betting Control Act and best industry practices.


- We monitor customer behaviour and account activity to identify potential problem gambling patterns and intervene when necessary.

7. Contact Information

For more information about our Responsible Gambling and Exclusion Policy, please contact us at:


- Email:

8. Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with regulatory requirements. Updates will be made as necessary to reflect changes in legislation and industry best practices.


Play Responsibly, No persons under the age of 18 years are permitted to gamble. Winners know when to stop. Warning: Gambling involves risk. Bolabet Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd is licensed and regulated by the Lotteries and Gaming Board under license numbers 9546199, 9546395, and 9546383. Terms and Conditions Apply.



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